The Buchele Adventure

This is record of the Buchele Adventure, as reported from West Africa.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Beyond Woundology - Please, Thank You and I'm Sorry

15 January 2009

Today marks 15 months and one day since my accident[1].  The healing has come to the point that people I meet for the first time hardly notice, or if they do, don’t comment on it.  Yet I’m surprised when people who followed our African Adventure, ask how my arm is, and I remember, oh, I was once injured, but now I’m better.

It’s a temptation to tell new people about the accident, to elicit their sympathy, to tell of my miraculous  healing, the witch that cursed me, and the months between, when God was silent.  If I do tell this story, it should be told to give Glory to God, but more often than I would like to admit, I tell it to explains something about the way I am, or who I’ve become, or because I gain some power in telling the story of my hurt.

Today also day marks my sixth at Wellspring United Methodist Church, and if there is one thing I have learned about Wellspringers, it is that they are a resilient lot.  Webster defines resilience: as something that is “capable of withstanding shock without permanent deformation or rupture” or having the qualities that tend to “recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.”  But sometimes this ability to recover gets stuck, or lost in the stories we tell.  It is almost like a person or institution makes a conscience choice not to recover from or adjust easily, but chooses to stay in the painful moment.

Caroline Myss, author and medical intuitive , tells a story about having lunch with a woman when a male colleague stops by.  She introduces him, and together they chat until he discovers they share a common interest.  He invites her friend to a workshop hosted by organization that specializes in their shared interest.  As Ms. Myss tells the story, her friend replies, “I couldn’t possibility attend on that day because I have a support group meeting for (and she describes a terrible event that happened in her childhood and how she never misses that meeting of it victims). 

 “Why did you feel the need to tell him all that?” Ms Myss asks, “he was only asking if you would like to attend the workshop.” She uses that story to illustrate a behavior she calls Woundology.  Woundology is about using the wounds -- the hurts, traumas, or unfortunate events of the past, to manipulate, elicit sympathy, compassion, or to gain a measure of power and/or authority in a situation. 

I sometimes want to ask Wellspringers, “Why did you just tell me that story?”  I want to learn the interesting history of Wellspring, but I hear so many sad stories, or ones with a heavy pause, full of weighted implications.  I keep thinking that if I just listen long enough, at some point I will hear the last of these sad stories, and more of the ones that celebrate our history.  I am still waiting.

 I wonder, is Wellspring paralyzed by its past wounds? Is it longing for a past that never was, hoping for a future that can never be?  Once time, when Jesus was near a place called the Sheep Gate pool, where the NIV says “a great number of disabled people used to lie—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed,” He saw an invalid who had been that way for a long time and asked, "Do you want to get well?"

I have a wonderful chiropractor in Austin, Dr. Rosanne Butera, who has treated me since before I was a pastor.  I’ve been through so much with her, and while we were in Africa, she was treated for breast cancer. There is some regret I feel, for not being there to pastor her through that time of need. Now that we are back and both healed, we can exchange knowing glances of having been to the edge of darkness and returned.  Dr. Butera says I need to make friends with my shoulder.  It was such an intuitive thing to say.  She realized my shoulder had become disconnected from my –I don’t know what to call it—but I wasn’t feeling any love for that which had caused me so much pain.  I don’t know if she was talking about forgiveness, but this feeling I have for my shoulder, has many of the same qualities that unforgiveness.  It seems that when we finally reconnect to that which has caused us so much pain, the hurt stops hurting, and we don’t feel compelled to tell its story again.

Yesterday, I connected with an old friend, one whom I had not seen in many years.  This friend was on the edge of a bad situation and though we had not conflicted directly, there was collateral damage.  It wasn’t that I had left on bad terms, I just left, and the pain of that parting haunted me, kept me awake at night sometimes wondering what part I had played in those wounds and how I could avoid it in the future.  I thought if I could only think through what had happened, understand what I had contributed to it, what I had not, that understanding would be mine; it would lose its power over me.  So far that wasn’t working, and in the words of Dr. Butera, I needed to make friends, so I reached out, and it was great to reconnect, to remember all that was good in that friendship, and to allude, but not rehash those final days and say, I’m so sorry things ended that way, and can we start again?

Someone much wiser than me once said that the key to this life comes in three phrases: Please, Thank you, and I’m sorry.  Please—shows our need of interdependence, that we need something from each other; Thank You—shows our gratitude for that relationship and what it provides; I’m Sorry—reconnects or restores that relationship, when things get broken. 

Jesus asked “Do you want to be made well?” before he healed, because even Jesus couldn’t heal if people didn’t want to be, if they would rather tell their story one more time.  Do you want to be made well?

So my advice to myself is

1)      Stop telling the sad story so often

2)      Start saying I’m sorry more often

3)      Make friends with what wounded you.

Amen (which means So be it!)

[1] I did not provide a link to all the blogs that detail the accident, in the spirit of not telling my sad story again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your words are profound and provide healing to your readers...what about fear of being hurt again? i too have been hurt ... by Africa... or what was in can you make friends/reconnect with something that hurt you so bad (almost killed you) without being afraid it may happen again

2:45 AM, January 17, 2009  
Blogger Melinda said...

I've often been thankful (maybe that's odd?) that I was around during the time of the aforementioned injury because I learned more about life and living it from you then than I think I ever have before. I'm still learning today.
I needed that blog.
And I love and miss everything Buchele.

2:21 PM, January 22, 2009  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Anonymous - I hope that when the want for healing overcomes the fear of repeated hurt that you will be able to reconnect, to make friendly, with Africa. It doesn't have to be all at once, baby steps are acceptable (and advisable). The trip of a lifetime starts with one step, even a baby sized one. God bless that journey.

3:18 PM, January 22, 2009  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Melinda - clearly I'm still processing, and glad that it was helpful.

I miss you too, singing, watching your joy, and how wonderfully you interacted with life and people around you. I hope that blessing has continued in college.

3:21 PM, January 22, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do I want to be made well? Yes. And, at times there is more fear about the future than pain from the however-immediate past.

Here's where faith comes into it for me. The God whom I know is one who continues to unfold a future in which I may make better choices that I have before - and, more importantly, it is a future of which a loving God offers a fulness that will complete me. Best of all, the future isn't about me - and I find that wonderfully liberating.

5:56 PM, January 23, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you and it is so true ... my healing has come in steps. I am thankful to God that he has made me victorious despite ANYTHING that has happened. As Dale wrote, sometimes I am fearful of the future based solely on the past. I feel that Africa is in that future. However if I see clearly I know that God did bless that past as He will the future. Recently I felt the revelation in my spirit that I have forgiven Africa and I am mentally entertaining the possibility of being open and receptive to Africa!! Thank you so much for your words and allowing a most wonderous God to use you. I believe that my journey is blessed and I pray that God would continue to bless yours!!!

2:59 AM, February 07, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post, Steve. AS ALWAYS.

4:24 PM, February 09, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steven, I miss your writing.

6:02 PM, February 28, 2009  
Blogger ghallead said...

Steve, Good post.

7:43 PM, September 11, 2009  

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